KGI: iPhone X Sales To Complement iPhone 8/8 Plus

iPhone X, iPhone 8, iPhone 8 Plus

The sales of iPhone 8/8 Plus are considered “weak” by analysts who believe that the last Friday launch of the devices would have had much more people in Apple’s retail centers. However, KGI analyst, Ming-Chi Kuo believes that such analysis is exaggerated by an “excessively negative” market.

Over the past week, the sales of the two most recent iPhone models got about half the attention iPhone 7 got in its opening week. Kuo agreed that the low turnout is as a result of the expected iPhone X, but argued that the sales of this devices are right where the company expected it to be.

iPhone X, iPhone 8, iPhone 8 Plus

Gizchina News of the week

His argument is based on his belief that the sales of iPhone X will match the combined sales of iPhone 8 and iPhone 8 Plus. Thus the sale of iPhone X will only complement that of iPhone 8/8 Plus which will bring the end sale arithmetic of all three smartphones to what any analyst would expect from these Apple products. Even if iPhone X sales don’t match the sales of both devices, its $1000 price tag will ensure that Apple earns more money by increasing the Average Selling Price (ASP) of Cupertino’s product line.

Kuo said:

“While we acknowledge that queues outside SIM-free channels have been much shorter than after previous iPhone launches, we see stable first-weekend demand for the iPhone 8/8 Plus in carrier channels. Most of those camping outside unlocked-device outlets are presumably hardcore Apple fans and heavy users, whose plan this year is to gear up for the iPhone X.”

KGI had earlier predicted that iPhone X will get at least 50million pre-orders but Apple may not be able to make such unit quickly. Surprisingly, iPhone 8 Plus sold more units than iPhone 8. iPhone 8 Plus is more expensive, usually, the more expensive model get lesser sales.


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